This exciting new feature gives agents the ability with a single click to place a watch on a parcel to receive email notifications when any of the following changes occur in the public record.
Watch Property
A Property Watch can be added from the property panel that displays when a parcel is clicked on the map located under the Map Search Tab or the Google Map View of search results. Clicking on the WATCH PROPERTY option will automatically register the agent to receive email alerts when the aforementioned events occur on the public record. Once enabled, the link toggles to Remove Watch where the watch can easily be removed.
My Property Watches
After a property has been added to a watch, it can easily be accessed from a new TAX menu option called My Property Watches, which is also where agents can access any current alerts.
My Property Watch Grid
Selecting the My Property Watch option displays a list of any properties that have been set to Watch. The Property Watch grid displays the property panel of the highlighted row for quick access to the additional enhanced public record data. Watches can be removed by highlighting the row and clicking the Remove Watch option.
The first time agents access the page, if there have been no watches added, the following message will appear:
My Property Watch Alerts
When any of the defined changes occur for a watched property, an alert is generated. Alerts are delivered in an email direct to the agent and displayed in the Alerts Grid. The Alerts grid displays the Tax ID, Address, Alert Type and Alert Date. This data will display after the first alert has been received. Until then, a message will display letting the user know that no alerts have been received on watched properties
Alert Email
When an alert is generated, an email is sent to the watching agent. The Alert Email is a simple, no-reply textual email to notify the agent that some change has occurred. If there are multiple changes on a record, they will be rolled up into the same message.