Discover the Courthouse Retrieval System Difference
Timely, accurate property data and an intuitive interface for access to the information you need.
Live Training
Live training is designed for in-depth training of the product and it’s business applications. Click on the date below to register.
January 31st at 9:00 am to 11:00 pm
January 31st at 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
*Courthouse Retrieval System is different than the Certified Residential Specialist designation. The Courthouse Retrieval System webinars and live training will not count towards a Certified Residential Specialist designation.
Accessing Courthouse Retrieval System
There are 6 main points where you can access the Courthouse Retrieval System:

1. CRS Data Tax Autofill found under the tax icon. This integration point allows users to search for data from the Courthouse Retrieval System within Paragon and create a new listing with that data.
2. CRS DATA: Tax Search found under the tax icon. This integration point launches the Courthouse Retrieval System website where users can perform a property search or take advantage of other Courthouse Retrieval System features.
3. Action Icons! From left to right they are:
Comparables Report (black with gold inside): lands the user on the Comparable Sales Report and displays the selected property as the subject. Users can customize the report
Demographics Report (black with white inside): lands the user on the Demographics report in Courthouse Retrieval System based on the address of the property
Map Property (gold with white inside): clicking this option will display the property on a parcel map inside the Courthouse Retrieval System. users then can click to see the Courthouse Retrieval System report or the MLS Report.
Property Report (gold with black inside): Clicking on this will land the user on the Courthouse Retrieval System report or display a list of properties if there is not an exact match
4. Tax Autofill button when adding a new listing. This integration point allows users to search for data from the Courthouse Retrieval System within Paragon and create a new listing with that data.

5. Courthouse Retrieval System link from within the Map Search. clicking on this integration point brings users to the Courthouse Retrieval System property report.

6. From the Actions Tab in Search Results. This allows users to view multiple public records in the Courthouse Retrieval System from the selected properties in Paragon.