If you or a REALTOR® member you know are interested in serving as a director of the Greater Baton Rouge Association of REALTORS for a two-year term beginning January 2021, please read the minimum criteria below, the nomination process and the responsibilities of a director. You must complete the form below and fax it to the Association Office (761-2099) or email to debra@gbrar.com no later than Friday, August 14, 2020.

2021 BOD Nomination Short Form



In order to be eligible to appear on the ballot for election to the Board of Directors, members must meet the following qualifications:

1) Actively served on two (2) different GBRAR committees in the five years prior to the year in which they are nominated and have met the attendance requirements for those committees.
2) Been a member in good standing for the past five (5) consecutive years.
3) Completed and returned a nomination form by the designated deadline.


Upon receipt of the Nomination Form, the eligible nominee will be sent a Nomination Profile form to complete; will be asked to supply a recent photo; and a one-paragraph description of themselves, their background and why they want to serve on the Board of Directors (limited to 100 words or less.)

The picture and entire nomination profile will be published on the GBRAR and the GBRMLS Websites for the benefit of the voting members to learn more about the nominee.

Written by MLSBox