Congratulations! You just got a signed listing agreement, BUT the seller is not ready to market the property. What do you do? Entering the listing as Temporary Off Market (TOM) status may be right for you.

TOM status is for listings of property in which the Seller has requested the Participant (broker) to:

  • temporarily suspend the marketing of the property, AND
  • not set appointments for showings,

while the listing contract between the Participant and the Seller remains in effect.


TOM Status Key points

  1. There must be a valid listing agreement
  2. No showings allowed
  3. No public advertising allowed
  4. Days on Market do not accrue
  5. TOM status listings can be found within the MLS
  6. The seller must agree
  7. The TOM form must be completed and uploaded to the listing
  8. TOM is TEMPORARY and will automatically change to an active listing after 30 days (MLS staff can extend listings an additional 30 days. A new TOM form must be completed and uploaded)


Questions? More details on the status can be found on this MLSBOX article

Written by MLSBox